Frozen Food Unhealthy

How healthy is frozen food?

This post is sponsored by on behalf of Healthy Choice. There are tons of frozen food brands out there and honestly, I never really looked into them too much. Isn’t it all about freshly prepared food?But I love trying new things and thanks to Healthy Choice I was able to test their Healthy Choice […]

hydration for runners

Hydration for runners

Hydration for runners is key. Especially now in the summer we have to drink even more. Water is essential for us and aids digestions and of course keeps our body temperature from rising to lethal levels during running. 55 to 65 percent of your weight accounts water. When we work out our muscles produce up […]

runners diet

Grocery List Essentials

I have been asked so many times how my runners diet looks like. If I have a special nutrition plan and on what a runners nutrition is based on. Since a healthy way of living is part of my routine I wouldn’t say that I’m following a strict diet. If you spent some time with […]

probiotics for runners

Probiotics for runners?

I’m not making a secret of how probiotics have helped me the past months to become more healthier and perform much better in my training. I’m faster, stronger and I don’t have to deal with digestive problems anymore. So to respond to the question if you need probiotics my answer is always yes. It is […]

Vegan Runner Meal Plan by runningvegannyc

I get a lot of questions about a vegan runners diet and what to eat as a vegan runner that I had to ask somebody who really knows how to fuel for running as a vegan: Anna is a New York City-based health and fitness blogger. She grew up in Tokyo and currently resides in Brooklyn. She […]

Energy Boost Before Your Workout

No matter if you're a runner or a bodybuilder, yoga lover, or cyclist. We are all facing the same problems once in a while when we feel tired too much of the time. We would like to have more energy.  No surprise there. With information overload, economic concerns, and the generally accelerating pace of life, many of us feel that our tanks are often low.